Baobab was licensed for the European food market just six years ago, and the white, floury pulp contained in its yellow-green pods is quickly gaining ‘superfood’ status in this market. The tree’s pulp has more protein than breast milk, more vitamin C than oranges, more magnesium than spinach, more iron than red meat and more potassium than a banana. It has become a popular additive in reinforced foods.
Working women in Africa and the EU spend less time at home, full meals are prepared much less often. In this scenario, modern consumers are not limited to the three traditional meal times, breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Therefore there is an increasing demand for convenience food, which is food already prepared or semi-prepared for the consumer. This eating pattern rarely gives a balanced diet, containing all the important nutrients. One answer to this problem is functional foods, which are foods containing added ingredients, intending to promote good health, another is dietary supplements, which can compensate for nutritional deficiencies(baobab).
Baobab is a superfruit is a relatively recent phenomenon. Scientific research has found the fruit to have a remarkable nutritional and health benefit. Fresh baobab fruit and the fruit pulp have a high amount of vitamin C: 100 grams of baobab fruit contains up to 500 milligrams of vitamin C. That’s 10 times as much as an equal serving of fresh oranges!

Health Benefits
Some of the Benefits
- Circulatory Health: One of the reasons baobab has been dubbed a super-fruit is due to its concentration of certain minerals, including iron. This mineral is a key component in hemoglobin, which transports oxygenated blood throughout our body. This can prevent anemia and provide us with a major energy boost.
- Blood Pressure: Potassium is another mineral constituent of baobab fruit, which is known to be beneficial for health. Potassium can ease the strain on the whole heart system by reducing cholesterol in the blood vessels and arteries, thus increasing blood flow and keeping the heart from working too hard. Lowering blood pressure can also help fight against strokes, heart attacks, and other cardiovascular complications.
- Bone Strength: The dried powder of baobab fruit is particularly concentrated with minerals, and two of these, calcium and magnesium, are important minerals for bone strength. adding a baobab supplement to your health regimen will keep your bones strong and durable into your old age!
- Gastrointestinal Issues: Two types of fiber, soluble and insoluble, are present in baobab, which is why this fruit has been trusted as an intestinal aid for generations. These types of dietary fiber in addition to optimizing the digestive process and reducing inflammation in the gut, dietary fiber also helps to regulate glucose and insulin levels in the blood lowers negative cholesterol, thus boosting heart health! There are also certain prebiotic properties of baobab fruit that can improve the bacteria levels in your gut and optimize digestion
- Chronic Disease: Rich in Antioxidants This means that baobab can help prevent a wide range of chronic diseases, including some forms of cancer that develop when free radicals cause healthy cells to mutate.
- Rich in vitamin C the immune system-boosting potential of this ancient fruit. Baobab is good for increasing white blood cell count and stimulating the immune system to fight off foreign pathogens, in addition to vitamin C’s antioxidant behavior.
- Growth and Repair: Vitamin C is also needed for the repair and growth of tissues, cells, blood vessels, cartilage, and bone. High levels of vitamin C don’t just protect our immune system, but also ensure normal development and appropriate healing times after injuries, illnesses, and surgeries. There are certain anti-inflammatory compounds found in baobab that can help aid in several conditions, from injuries and aches and pains to stomach upset and respiratory conditions. By reducing inflammation in the body, your immune system can focus on more important tasks, like eradicating pathogens and foreign bodies.
Add baobab to your favorite: dressings, bake mixes, foods, drinks, porridge, smoothies, sauces for extra nutrients and flavor.
It also has thickening properties and can be used as a gluten-free substitute to thicken sauces instead of starch or flour or cream of tartar. Simply add a few tablespoons of baobab powder to any sauce or dressing to thicken.